Well, as the title says, I have a tight ass today...the muscles at least. There's still some omnipresent jiggle, of course. I did a weight lifting session last night (Stage 1, workout B of New Rules of Weightlifting for Women - NROWL4W). I did deadlifts, dumbbell shoulder presses, lat pulldowns, lunges and crunches. The lunges are what got me, hence the tight ass. I didn't think they would be as hard as they were. I should know better.
I'm attempting C25K W6D3 tonight...25 minutes with no walking intervals. We'll see how it goes. I'm worried about it but I've come to realize that running is just as much mental as it is physical. My body says "Hell yea!" to running long intervals but my brain says, "stop this torture!" I wish I had something to occupy my brain more while running. I'm a scientist so I'm always thinking about random stuff and I wish there was a way I could run and do Sudoku puzzles at the same time. That would be ideal. Oh no, wait...ideal would be to not run but still get in shape...that would be ideal. I need my brain to be focused on something challenging other than running. My brain is confident about solving puzzles but not about running.
Still trying to get food back on track. I need to be better about this like right now. Like right now, seriously...now...
I've started eating hard-boiled eggs for more protein since I am not a fan of meat. I need to throw in some fish (barf!) too. If only fish didn't smell like a dumpster...then I'd eat it with no problem. Chicken is good but fish is better. I do fancy tofu a great deal and have become quite proficient at jazzing it up.
Mmmm...I want some chocolate milk...wait! NO! AH! Ok, I gotta go drink some water...
Stella Virgin
2 years ago